Events |
14/5/17 Milford Plants Rotary Club car boot sale |
11/6/17 Milford Plants Rotary Club car boot sale |
17/6/17 Sherburn library Venetian mask workshop from 10am to midday,suitable for ages 7 years and upwards. Tickets £3.50 per person or £5 for two. |
30/6/17 Sherburn Church Music for a Summer's Evening' by the Ensemble Boquhan at 7.30pm. Tickets are £10 including refreshments. |
9/7/17 Milford Plants Rotary Club car boot sale |
14/7/17 Sherburn Church 'Wuthering Heights', performed by the Jorvik Players |
13/8/17 Milford Plants Rotary Club car boot sale |
26-28/8/2017 Sherburn The first annual Sherburn in Elmet Craft and Food Festival |
10/9/17 Milford Plants Rotary Club car boot sale |
every Monday Sherburn Methodist Chapel Schoolroom Tots & You Drop-In 9.30-11am, £1 per family. No enrolment required. Contact Pam 01977 682738 |
every Monday evening Lady Popplewell Centre Whist drives every Monday evening, 7pm |
every monday, tues, wed Eversley Park Sherburn Eversley Park Playgroup for children aged between 18 months and nursery age 9.15 to 11.05am. Contact Sharon on 01977 680021 or 07894110531, or Kerry on 01977 681599 or 07725982840 |
every Monday Eversley Park Centre Dancercise, 7.30 to 8.30pm £3 per class. Call 01977 683973 |
every Tuesday Lady Popplewell Centre in Sherburn Sherburn Pride free activities for over 60s throughout September, October and November, from 2 to 4pm Contact Sherburn Visiting Scheme on 01977 681828 |
Every Tuesday Sherburn Church Bell Ringing 8-9pm would be ringers (over 10) welcome |
Third Tuesday of Month Sherburn Church Hall Sherburn Local History Society 8pm Mrs Jean Mooney 01977 683749 |
2nd Tuesday of month Sherburn Church Hall Sherburn Mothers Union 7:30pm |
every tuesday Sherburn High School 4youth clubs, for youngsters aged 11 and older |
Every Tuesday St Joseph the Worker Church St Joseph's Toddler Group 9.30am - 11.00am £1.50 for adult & 1st child (includes refreshments), 50p for each extra child. First Session Free! have a chat and a coffee while the children have fun! Nicola Young or Sharon Spink 07957 552046 / 07969244864 |
3rd Tuesday of month Sherburn Parish Church Hall Sherburn-in-Elmet History Society 8pm JOIN THE RESIDENTS OF SHERBURN IN ELMET FOR AN
every Tuesday Sherburn Athelstan Primary School Karate for kids 3 to 4.15pm Contact Dave Brook on 07971 093166 |
every tuesday Sherburn Library Children's Centre Citizens Advice Bureau advice sessions 9.30-11.30am |
every Tuesday Sherburn Athelstan Primary School Karate for children, 3 to 4.15pm Contact Dave Brook 07971 093166 |
every Tuesday Church Fenton Village Hall Sherburn Art Club, for beginners and experienced artists. Contact Marlene 01937 557378 |
every wednesday Lady Popplewell Centre Bingo 7.15pm |
1st Wednesday of month Sherburn Library Sherburn reading group |
second Wednesday of the month Elmet Social Club Sherburn Community Association meets on the second Wednesday of the month at Elmet Social Club, starting 7:30pm. New members are welcome. |
every Wednesday Eversley Park Centre Dancercise, 1.30 to 2.30pm, £3 per class. Call 01977 683973 |
every Wednesday Sherburn Methodist Church Irish dance classes, 6.30 to 7.15pm, £2.50 per class. Contact Miss Jennie01977 684493 |
every Wednesday Sherburn High School Ballroom and Latin classes for beginners, 7 to 8pm, £5 per person per class. Couples welcome. Call 01977 683040 |
every thursday Lady Popplewell Centre Whist drive 2-4pm |
every thursday Church Hall Sherburn Sherburn and South Milford Art Society 7.30pm ring Olive 01977 681545 |
3rd Thursday of month Sherburn Village Hall Yorkshire Countrywomens Guild 7:30pm |
Every Thursday Sherburn Church Hall Sherburn Choir 6:45 to 7:45 01977 682691 |
every thursday Sherburn High School 4youth clubs, for youngsters aged 13 and older |
every third thursday Sherburn Methodist Church Yorkshire Country Women's Association 7.30pm |
Every Thursday All Saints Church Hall Sherburn Art Society 7.30-9.30pm all welcome, ring Jim or Olive on 01977 681545 |
every Friday Lady Popplewell Centre Friendship Club , 2pm. |
Every Friday Eversley Park Community Centre Sherburn Youth Club 7-9pm |
every Friday Eversley Park Sherburn Pilates Classes on Friday Mornings at 10am starting 16th April. Contact Judith on 01977 680118 or 07739 961036 |
first Friday of month Sherburn Children's Centre, next to Library Drop in - 12.30 to 3pm, for parents and children to relax and play |
First Saturday of month Sherburn Church Hall Sherburn Church Dance 8pm |
every third saturday Barkston Ash Village Hall Coffee morning 10am-noon |
every Saturday Eversley Park Community Centre Karate for kids 10 to 11am. Contact Dave Brook on 07971 093166 |
every sunday Sherburn Methodist Church Sunday School, 10am to 12.30pm. Contact Janet on 01977 685190 |
every sunday The Fairway, Sherburn Friendly women's five or seven-a-side kickabout, all-weather pitch, 6pm. Costs 2.50. Contact Claire on 07786 662414 |